Lena and Patrick are actually a marriage of very talented photographers. More than that, wedding photographers as well! And what a lovely, beautiful couple they are. As elopement photographer, I attempted to wedding photography workshops.
Oh, what a day that was! It didn’t start very well for me. Firstly, my lenses were faulty and didn’t want to work correctly. Never, ever cheap out on very important things in your life. Like photography for instance. Luckily I had some backup back in the car. Run like crazy and back just in time for shooting. So Lena and Patrick are real deal crazy in love couple. It was a pleasure work with them and create some stunning shots.

I could have almost felt that chemistry they had. A moody day with dramatic, heavy-looking clouds was a great companion. Yes, it was a workshop organised by another amazing photographer Mark Pacura.
But in the end, love is true. Just look yourself on these photos! I met a bunch of great people on that day. It was one of my best, most valuable experience. Oh, one more thing, check some great photography work @ lenasabala.com and markpacura.co.uk!